Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ever since we moved into our house five years ago I always wanted the big room for my art studio but gave it to my husband for his office.  But about a year ago things changed and we have since switched but here's the kicker..all my stuff is in there but I don't create it there.  Yes, your heard/read me right I don't create in there.

Here is my creative space....

As you can see from the pictures above I plenty of space all I need is a table and a few chairs so I can use the other desk for my computer and create on the other.  Once I find the perfect table I will have to talk to my husband into installing a t.v. 

I thought I'd share a picture of where I do create.  The kitchen table.  I think most of it is because the t.v. is there and I can listen to my favorite D.I.Y shows and Criminal Minds reruns. 

 So for now I'm shopping for a table for my creative studio and trying to come up with some sort of floor plan for the room and hopefully I'll get it done because I am so tired of seeing the kitchen table a mess and putting things away and taking them out again is getting old.

Where do you create?  Do you listen to music or listen to the t.v.? If you can share a picture of your space I'd love to see it.


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