Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ever since we moved into our house five years ago I always wanted the big room for my art studio but gave it to my husband for his office.  But about a year ago things changed and we have since switched but here's the kicker..all my stuff is in there but I don't create it there.  Yes, your heard/read me right I don't create in there.

Here is my creative space....

As you can see from the pictures above I plenty of space all I need is a table and a few chairs so I can use the other desk for my computer and create on the other.  Once I find the perfect table I will have to talk to my husband into installing a t.v. 

I thought I'd share a picture of where I do create.  The kitchen table.  I think most of it is because the t.v. is there and I can listen to my favorite D.I.Y shows and Criminal Minds reruns. 

 So for now I'm shopping for a table for my creative studio and trying to come up with some sort of floor plan for the room and hopefully I'll get it done because I am so tired of seeing the kitchen table a mess and putting things away and taking them out again is getting old.

Where do you create?  Do you listen to music or listen to the t.v.? If you can share a picture of your space I'd love to see it.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I have joined Ali Edwards class One little word/ 2013 and have choosen SATISFY. You can check it out here.   The word has been in my head for the last 6 months so it was perfect for me. Here is what we created for the month of January.

We will focus on something every month and let me tell you having to come up with some sort of action to do each month was not easy. At one point I was so ready to pull my hair out and quit. But then I remembered we have all month to come up with something. So knowing that helped a me out a bit and I was able to put it together so now I'm so excited to figure things out and to allow myself to be satisfied.    Have you joined an online class or currently working on a project?  If so share it with me we can compare notes.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 4

                              Day 5

This wall has been decorated like this for 
five years now and now that I look at it it needs to be changed.  Perhaps painting the inside of the elcoves and adding more pictures.  What do you think?

Day 6

Love this chair...and so does my dog Smokey. He can often be found in this chair.

Day 7

My simple deer vignette. I think they have run their course and its time to take them to the goodwill.  We'll see.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

365 days at home

January 3, 2013 

As you can tell this is Smokey's favorite spot. You see that dip in the back cushion? Yep, that's it "THE" spot.  I have spotted trying to get him to stop but he loves it and what does it really hurt.   I have noticed that since taking on this challenge that my house is just not finished and needs a lot of work. But you know what it's a good thing plus it's another project for the year.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

This year 2013 is going to be about me.  Not in a bad selfish way but just me.  It was brought to my attendtion last week that I tend to do everything for everyone and if I have some extra cash I'm know to spending it on my daughter or my husband even if its birthday money.  Now I like to think most Mother's/Wife's are like that but I think it's high time I do little things for me to explore my likes and dislikes and rediscover myself.  I hoping it's going to be a fun discovery!

I am participating in Everyday Elsie's 365 Days At Home project. You can check it out here for yourself.

Here is my picture for January 1, 2013

January 2, 2013

This is my favorite picture in the house.  I don't know who she is or really looked up the artist but I just love it!  My Dad bought it at an art gallery on Melrose, in California sometime in the 1960's and bought it on the spot. So when my parents downsized my Dad asked if I wanted it and of course he didn't have to ask me twice.  I hope to give to my daughter someday.

XOXO Christine